Dinas (Digital Signature by Askarasoft)

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Dinas (Digital Signature by Askarasoft)
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Dinas (Digital Signature by Askarasoft)

Dinas is an application developed by Gold Partner Bitrix24, Askarasoft.
This application is designed to assist in electronic signing of PDF files.

List of Features:
  1. There are 3 main menus: create request, my request & approval, Signer Template.
  2. Publish signature results.
  3. Feature publish is equipped with auto-generated barcodes and you can set the layout yourself. (in the next version)
  4. Log activity.
  5. Log approval & note.
  6. Copy the link from the published signature/document.

Versión 2
server migration and domain switching

Versión 1
Electronic signing app for pdf files

How to install:
  1. to install the app, go to the "Apps / Market" section of your Bitrix24.
  2. in the search bar, enter "Dinas" and select the application you want to install on Bitrix24 account (the "View" button).
  3. in the window that opens, click "Install" and check the boxes "I have read and agree to the license agreement" and "I have read and agree to the privacy policy"